An alvearie or quadruple dictionairie
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Baret Jean]● An alvearie or quadruple dictionairie● (Londres) : (Henri Denham), (William Seres)● (1580)● AN ALVEARIE OR || Quadruple Dictionarie, con- || taining foure sundrie tongues : || namelie, English, Latine, Greeke, || and French. || Newlie enriched with varietie of Wordes, || Phrases, Prouerbs, and diuers lightsome ob- || seruations of Grammar. || By the Tables you may contrariwise finde out the most || necessarie wordes placed after the Alphabet, || whatsoeuer are to be found in anie || other Dictionarie : || Which Tables also seruing for Lexicons, to lead the || learner vnto the English of such hard wordes as are often || read in Authors, being faithfullie exami- || ned, are truelie numbered. || Verie profitable for such as be desirous || of anie of those languages. || ¶ Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. USTC ● USTC : 57649 . Musée Virtuel des Dictionnaires (MVD).
Beaulieux, 1904 : p.374 , «Baret (John). ». Quemada, 1968 Tome * : p.570 . Lindemann, 1994 : p.544, «[John BARET]».
4 langues : Anglais ♢ Français ♢ Grec ♢ Latin ♢
6 localisations dans des établissements documentaires : London (UK), British Library (anc. British Museum) ♢ Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France ♢ Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque Mazarine ♢ Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Coll. Rothschild, etc.) ♢ Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque universitaire [ou] Paris (Fr), Université de Paris, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne (Bibliothèque Victor Cousin, collection dite « Richelieu », etc.) ♢ Vitré (Fr), Médiathèque municipale Madame de Sévigné ♢
Notice anthonominalie n°546.