Anthonominalie > Mots-clés > Titres de dictionnaires > Dictionarie, newelye corrected, amended, set in order and enlarged, with many names of Men, Townes, Beastes, Foules, Fishes, Trees, Shrubbes, Herbes, Fruites, Places, Instrumentes etc. And in eche place fit Phrases, gathered out of the best Latin Authors. Also the Frenche the­reunto annexed, by (…)

Dictionarie, newelye corrected, amended, set in order and enlarged, with many names of Men, Townes, Beastes, Foules, Fishes, Trees, Shrubbes, Herbes, Fruites, Places, Instrumentes etc. And in eche place fit Phrases, gathered out of the best Latin Authors. Also the Frenche the­reunto annexed, by which you may finde the Latin or Frenche, of anye Englishe woorde you will.