Auckland (NZ), University of Auckland Library
Sherwood Robert● Dictionaire Anglois & François, pour l’utilité de tous ceux qui sont desireux de deux langues A dictionary English and French compiled for the commodity of all such as are desirous of both the languages● Londres : Susan Islip● 1650● USTC : 3062420 . 2 langues : Anglais ♢ Français ♢
16 localisations dans des établissements documentaires : Auckland (NZ), University of Auckland Library ♢ Bangor (UK), Library of University of Wales ♢ Cambridge (UK), Gonville and Caius College Library ♢ Cambridge (UK), University Library ♢ Chicago, IL (USA), Newberry Library ♢ Durham (UK), University Library ♢ Edinburgh (UK), National Library of Scotland ♢ Exeter (UK), Cathedral Library ♢ London (UK), British Library (anc. British Museum) ♢ Los Angeles (USA), California University Library, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library ♢ New Haven, CT (USA), Yale University Library (Beinecke Library, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Medical Historical Library, etc.) ♢ New York, NY (USA), New York Public Library ♢ Oxford (UK), Balliol College Library ♢ Oxford (UK), Worcester College Library ♢ St Andrews (UK), University Library ♢ Urbana, IL (USA), Illinois University Library ♢
Notice anthonominalie n°2145.